Life UnderThe Sea

Life under the sea

Life under the sea


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The Whole World and Me

Me and the World

There’s the whole world, then there’s me…and the moon :P.

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Cleaning my room is like the Elections!

I don’t like clutter. Just because I don’t, doesn’t mean I am going to do anything about it. It’s like the government. We don’t like what they are doing but we are not going to do anything anyway. But of course, if the clutter gets really unbearable I am gonna get off my a$$ and clean it up, which happens once in 5 months. Yep, pretty much like the elections that comes around every 5 years though.
After I clean up, I find things I have been looking for, for ages. Those cute earrings or that shirt I look thin in :P. Just like how we find all the sneaky $#it the previous government has done. Then again, we have to wait another 5 years to find the $#it this government does which will be ousted by the next government.
Oh My Gawd!!! My room is like a little country. 😀

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Doodle – My College Life

My College Life

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The Law of Good Food

Good food, ahhh…a wonderful phenomenon. Of course, everyone has experienced it, no doubt. It could have grabbed you and kissed you unexpectedly like you would have wanted your crushed to do but who din’t. (The crush! Not the food. The food always delivers!!) It could have been your mom’s potato fry or Paniyaram and chutney in a small shop on the road side while travelling or your friend’s mom’s egg fried rice or that Masala pori from that moving cart guy. Nevertheless, it was amazing food. You can still remember the place, the time, the taste and smell. It is what makes you get through the normal food. Always hoping you will get your hands on that lovely piece of ghee dosai or that fantastic panipuri or that marvelous gulab jamun.

So now that I have established that I am a foodie, I have to let out an unspoken rule that we foodies (unspoken because we will probably come off as selfish, which we are not. I swear) is that we don’t like sharing our favorite food. To quote Joey from friends “I don’t share FOOD!” Or at least not my favorites.We treasure it, safeguard it from our pesky siblings and eat it in secret.  But if you are familiar with this fact then you are pretty aware of the LAW. If you are not, then you are one of those lucky people.

The LAW states that if you DO(which normally you won’t) get your hand on good food( may vary from person to person) you will only get the last piece or serving. But if you happen to get enough to satisfy your craving, (which won’t happen because you will want more) there will be visitors with whom you will have to share it.

Yep, that pretty much sums up my relationship with food.

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I Don’t Know

There are days when the answer to everything is I don’t know. I don’t know, why? (see…one of those days) I guess the brain is too tired to explain or even have normal conversations. I am sure you too would have…except if you are those insanely perky people like me sister. She is like the sunshine on a rainy day, that is me. She is a certified chatterbox. And all my friends are chatterboxes. So you can imagine my plight.

It goes like this:

Whatchu doin?

I don’t know.

How can you not know?

I don’t know.

What is the time?

I don’t know.

What day is it?

I don’t know.

What is the black hole information paradox?

I don’t know. (Well at least it’s the truth this time)

What are you thinking about?

I don’t know.

Why are you like this?

I don’t know.

Even on topics I am so passionate about, all I can get myself to say is I don’t know.

I really think the world would be better off without feminism, what do you think?

What?! Hmmm….

(Nope, too tired to get into this)

I don’t know.

Recycling isn’t that important, is it?

Of course it’s important! What are you thinking? You recycle everything. Plastic covers, bottles, Plastic boxes, cardboard boxes. The whole KABLOIE.

Well, you can never be that tired. 🙂

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Fire and Ice

fire and ice

Every person has two sides to them; polar opposites but can exist together peacefully. And this is my take on it.

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My lovely followers

I am truly an ulagamagasomberi. What is this ulagamathingamagig you ask? Well, it means the world’s biggest lazy bum. It’s true, isn’t it? I haven’t posted for so long and have been contemplating but never really got around it.
I have been absolutely “vetti” for the past 3 months. Why? I graduated (yay!) but dint get a job. Guess what happened today? I got a job (yay yay yay!) and lo and behold I write. I guess it’s a thing with writes “Never write when you have the time in the world but always cram it with all the other things you have to get done.”
So what is my first post after a long time going to be?
I thank my fellow bloggers who have followed me (23 people!!! Gasp! I din’t even think I would have 10.) You people are the reason why someone like me gains confidence in whatever I do. You hang around and listen to whatever the hell I have to say and beyond that some of you even like my posts! You don’t have the slightest idea how happy I am when there are views, likes and follows
Posting my pieces feels like talking to my friend who doesn’t pass judgement on the crazy things I say. I don’t feel vulnerable sharing my thoughts here (Even though it’s not much). You should know for a person like me who doesn’t talk much or reveal my inner most thoughts to other people in my offline world, this is saying a lot. I mean it!
When a person doesn’t have an outlet of their thoughts, it often becomes toxic. Frustration builds up and they become cranky as ever. Moods change rapidly but they don’t show it. Above all these people are the ones who listen to all their friends’ rants and monologues. This adds to everything.
Blogging has helped me a lot. I can write about the weirdest things running on my mind and still find a few who share the same opinions. It makes me feel a little less lonely. Blogging has made me happier, free and clear in my life. Putting a few of your thoughts out to the world helps.
So all I want to say is “Thank you. Thank you for being there whenever I needed you”
Hope I have helped you too.

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Dark is beautiful

I’ve heard this so many times that I get so pissed every time I hear it “you’re pretty but dark.” But you see, I’m not that pretty either, I feel they want to say that so they can inform me that I am dark. As if I din’t know that already. Next what I hear is “Why don’t you use this stupid ass cream that actually doesn’t do much but makes you look caked up and idiotic ?”  No, I don’t want to. I just want to get away from you aunty, you are being mean!! But I don’t say that because my mom will kick my ass if I do. I just smile while I have killed her thrice in my head.

When I say “Dark is Beautiful” even though it’s true, people will always say “She is saying that because she is dark” OK fine I am biased. I really don’t care what they say. But I will tell you one thing, although I put on a brave face and say “Dark is Beautiful”, it still hurts when someone says “Karrupa irruka, yuck”*

* she is dark, yuck

It’s not easy to accept that Dark is in fact beautiful even to yourself because there are a number of people telling you otherwise. When meeting someone who is a big jerk (sometimes there are a bunch of them) who will be pinpointing everyone’s flaws to feel good about themselves.

This is how it starts

“You look very dark”

Oh wow!! You can state facts. Wonderful!

“Have you been playing sports?”


“It’s high time you quit and look after yourself. Why don’t you go to the beauty parlor and do something which will do nothing but cost money? “

And of course there will be a cousin, about your own age and your gender who will come and stand next to you to check who looks fairer.

This is why I don’t want to attend family events and my dad thinks I am in a relationship and I want to spend that time talking to my boyfriend on the phone when they are away with the family. When in reality I can’t manage to get a boyfriend because I am dark! Every time I walk past a bunch of boys in my college there are always comments on how dark I look and noises that are plain hurtful. And then there are these jerks who are dark themselves whom you expect not to talk about colour. But he keeps telling you are dark and he is fairer than you are. And he looks at girls who are really really fair. So dad you don’t have to worry!

There are things that have happened which just make you lose all hope in doing anything even if you have the talent. I wasn’t taken in any school events like dances, skits etc. The selection process was simple. Teachers used to come to our classes and chose all the fair kids and dint chose us to even compѐre although we had better diction than most. It starts young.

If I hadn’t had my mother, I don’t know if I would have had a fraction of the strength that I have today. I can’t say all people are like this because it’s not true. I have good friends who don’t care about my colour and love me for who I am. They make me feel good about myself.

Even though I keep thinking about my colour day to day, I have become more peaceful inside than the past. All I have to say is:

I can’t change my colour; it’s coded in my DNA. What is your excuse for being mean?

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Blogging Advice for me

Every time I write a post I always become paranoid and start doubting myself and contemplate whether I should post it or not.

If you could read my mind this is what you will hear: Is it good enough? Should I add something to make it personal or should I delete something so it doesn’t seem so long? Will this bring me traffic that so many bloggers talk about? Do I want to make money out of this? Will people like it or hate it? Why do they not like it? Am I that bad? Should I write about something really intelligent? Wait, I am not that intelligent. Ohhh gawd somebody please like it already!! When is some amazing editor going to discover my blog and give me a writing gig in their magazine?  How to write really nice blogs like some people I follow? Why are they so good? Why am I so incompetent?


To help me cope with all this stress and look at blogging with more clarity, I have formulated some rules.

No.1: DON’T obsess about likes and followers.

No.2: Accept the fact that not everyone will like your posts.

No.3: Don’t be insecure, not everyone will hate your work either.

No.4: It’s ok to not like your posts and it’s alright to love them too.

No.5: Don’t restrict yourself, try different genres.

No.6: Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

No.7: Don’t be scared to publish a post and keep it dormant for months. Seriously DON’T.

No.8: Don’t edit it more than twice. You will ruin it.

No.9: It’s okay that you don’t know many big words. You will learn.

No.10: HAVE FUN!

These rules have helped me so far and I hope to post without self doubt (HA like that will ever happen). But about the blog traffic I seriously don’t want so many hits unless it’s from people who really care about what I write. I write for myself and a few weirdos like me. I am happy where I am. After all it’s what blogging is all about, an odd soul uniting with her own kind.  🙂

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